Convert Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot (imp tsp to ft³)

A Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot (imp tsp to ft³) converter is a free online tool helps you to convert Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot. In short, convert imp tsp to ft³. This Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot converter gives accurate and reliable results in seconds.

Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot Converter

Simply enter the value in Imperial teaspoon (imp tsp) that you wish to convert and this user-friendly tool will instantly display the equivalent measurement in Cubic foot (ft³).

1 Imperial teaspoon = 0.000209041 Cubic foot

See also: Convert Cubic foot to Imperial teaspoon

Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot (imp tsp to ft³) Conversion Table

Here you see the conversion table of the most commonly used values for converting Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot. To use this table, simply you can find the number of Imperial teaspoon (imp tsp) you want to convert and find their equivalent value in Cubic foot (ft³).

Imperial teaspoonCubic foot
1 Imperial teaspoon0.000209041 Cubic foot
2 Imperial teaspoon0.000418082 Cubic foot
3 Imperial teaspoon0.000627123 Cubic foot
4 Imperial teaspoon0.000836164 Cubic foot
5 Imperial teaspoon0.001045205 Cubic foot
6 Imperial teaspoon0.001254246 Cubic foot
7 Imperial teaspoon0.001463287 Cubic foot
8 Imperial teaspoon0.001672328 Cubic foot
9 Imperial teaspoon0.001881369 Cubic foot
10 Imperial teaspoon0.00209041 Cubic foot
11 Imperial teaspoon0.002299451 Cubic foot
12 Imperial teaspoon0.002508492 Cubic foot
13 Imperial teaspoon0.002717533 Cubic foot
14 Imperial teaspoon0.002926574 Cubic foot
15 Imperial teaspoon0.003135615 Cubic foot
16 Imperial teaspoon0.003344656 Cubic foot
17 Imperial teaspoon0.003553697 Cubic foot
18 Imperial teaspoon0.003762738 Cubic foot
19 Imperial teaspoon0.003971779 Cubic foot
20 Imperial teaspoon0.00418082 Cubic foot
30 Imperial teaspoon0.00627123 Cubic foot
40 Imperial teaspoon0.00836164 Cubic foot
50 Imperial teaspoon0.01045205 Cubic foot
60 Imperial teaspoon0.01254246 Cubic foot
70 Imperial teaspoon0.01463287 Cubic foot
80 Imperial teaspoon0.01672328 Cubic foot
90 Imperial teaspoon0.01881369 Cubic foot
100 Imperial teaspoon0.0209041 Cubic foot

How to Convert Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot

convert imperial-teaspoon-to-cubic-foot

1 Imperial teaspoon = 0.000209041 Cubic foot

To convert Imperial teaspoon(imp tsp) to Cubic foot(ft³), you simply multiply the number of Imperial teaspoon by 0.000209041 because there are 0.000209041 Cubic foot in one Imperial teaspoon.

Formula for converting Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot

Cubic foot = Imperial teaspoon × 0.000209041

Example 1: Convert 2.5 Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot: 2.5 Imperial teaspoon × 0.000209041 = 0.0005226025 Cubic foot So, 2.5 Imperial teaspoon is equal to 0.0005226025 Cubic foot.

Example 2: Convert 5 Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot: 5 Imperial teaspoon × 0.000209041 = 0.001045205 Cubic foot So, 5 Imperial teaspoon is equal to 0.001045205 Cubic foot.

Example 3: Convert 25 Imperial teaspoon to Cubic foot: 25 Imperial teaspoon × 0.000209041 = 0.005226025 Cubic foot So, 25 Imperial teaspoon is equal to 0.005226025 Cubic foot.


Q1: How Many Cubic foot in a Imperial teaspoon?: There are 0.000209041 Cubic foot in a Imperial teaspoon. 1 Imperial teaspoon = 1 × 0.000209041 So, 1 Imperial teaspoon is equal to 0.000209041 Cubic foot

Q2: How Many Imperial teaspoon in a Cubic foot?: There are 4783.750556111 Imperial teaspoon in a Cubic foot 1 Cubic foot = 1 / 0.000209041 So, 1 Cubic foot is equal to 4783.750556111 Imperial teaspoon

Convert more on Imperial teaspoon

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